
The Korowai: Living up in the trees!

The Korowai are neighbours of the Asmat. It has been estimated that the tribe has around 2,500 members in this difficult, swampy area in small family groups in tree houses. Until the 1970s, the Korowai are said to have been unaware of the existence of any people besides themselves and their immediate neighbouring tribes. The Korowai tree houses are built at heights up to 50 m above ground. Houses more than 25 m up are built only if there is a dispute with neighbours or if the area is generally hostile. In more peacefull times, houses are built no more than 6 to 25 meters from the ground. There is a strict social separation between males and females. Material culture is simple and limited to indispensable items and to body decoration. Note the stone-axe carried by the merrily whistling male in the beginning of the film.

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